The Choir of The High School performs a wide range of music at Assembly, the annual Parents' Evening and Prize Distribution, Carol Service, Leavers' Service, Summer Concert, and by invitation at other events. To hear The High School Choir perform click HERE.
It operates on a mixed ability basis and welcomes participation from all pupils - male or female - who are committed to achieving and maintaining high standards of musicianship. In 2014, eight pupils were admitted to the girls' choir of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin following auditions held at The High School. The choir was also invited to sing Choral Evensong at the National Cathedral and Collegiate Church of St Patrick when musical settings of the Preces and Responses, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittus, as well as an anthem and hymns were sung during the service.
It rehearses on Thursday between 4.00-5.15 pm in M2. All pupils are welcome to attend - no previous experience is necessary.
Ms B Bourke